Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Announcements: New Publications:
Announcements: 1. Blogs No recent additions. 2. Collected Volumes Added: February 1, 2025 [Info] Clites, Brian. »Clergy Sexual Abuse.« The Routledge History of Religion and Politics in the United States sind 1775. Edited by Cara L. Burnidge. New York 2025: 472-481. [Info] Karmakar, Goutam. »Narrating Rape and Resistance: Tracing the Trajectories of Birangona in Rizia Rahman’s Letters of Blood.« Narratives of Loss and Longing: Literary Developments in Postcolonial South Asia. Edited by Nukhbah Taj Langah et al. London 2025: 103-122. [Info] Plieth, Carla. »Drohende Finger, dunkle Schatten und trostspendende Kuscheltiere: Zur Visualisierung sexualisierter Gewalt im Bilderbuch.« Körper erzählen: Embodiment in Kinder- und Jugendmedien. Edited by Andre Kagelmann et al. Berlin 2024: 179-195. Added: January 1, 2025 [Info] Aschmann, Birgit, et al. »Von Ehre und Ängsten: Vorschläge zu einer integrierten Emotionsgeschichte illegitimer Gewalt in militärischen Gewaltkulturen.« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 247-277. [Info] Bae, Judy J. »Speaking the Unspeakable in Nora Okja Keller's Comfort Woman.« Reading Violence and Trauma in Asia and the World. Edited by Yiru Lim et al. New York 2025: 167-177. [Info] Bhattacharjee, Shuhita. »Producing the Vampire: Neo-Victorian Afterlife of the “Un-Dead” and Contemporary Sexual Crime in the Cinema of Anushka Sharma.« Women in Contemporary Indian Films and Media: Representations and Responses. Edited by Aysha Viswamohan. London 2025: 168-183. [Info] Cerqueira, Carla, et al. »(De)constructing masculinities in newsmagazines in the #MeToo era.« Renegotiating Masculinities in European Digital Spheres. Edited by Inês Amaral. London 2025: 35-53. [Info] Ermakov, Otto. »Von »rasenden Kriegsheeren« und »guter Manneszucht«: Zur Gewaltkultur der russischen und österreichischen Armee im Siebenjährigen Krieg (1756–1763).« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 157-181. [Info] Füssel. Marian. »»Orders is so very Strick’d to keep every thing regular«: Illegitime Gewalt der britischen Armee während des Siebenjährigen Krieges (1756–1763).« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 129-156. [Info] Gahlen, Gundula. »Illegitime Gewalt und militärische Gewaltkulturen: Die französische und österreichische Armee während der Revolutions- und Napoleonischen Kriege (1792–1815).« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 183-216. [Info] Wang, W. Michelle. » Fictional Testimonies: Narrative Structures of Resistance in White Chrysanthemum and How We Disappeared.« Reading Violence and Trauma in Asia and the World Edited by Yiru Lim et al. New York 2025: 25-37. [Info] Zinger, Evgen. »Brutale (Vor)Reiter? Illegitime militärische Gewalt der Kosaken im Ersten Weltkrieg (1914–1917).« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 315-342. 3. Encyclopedias No recent additions. 4. Journals Added: March 1, 2025 [Info] Ayoub, Cristiane N.A. »Agostinho e a injustiça da lei e das formas jurídicas quanto ao estupro de mulheres.« Revista de Filosofia Aurora 37 (2025). [Info] Bergner, Gwen. »Rape Culture and the Zombie Apocalypse: Richard Matheson's I Am Legend.« Modern Fiction Studies 70 (2024): 609-632. [Info] O’Neill, Kevin L. »Islands, Enclaves, and the Offshoring of Clerical Sexual Abuse.« Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2025). [Info] Stetz, Margaret. »Documenting War Crimes Onstage in Kyo Choi’s The Apology.« Humanities Bulletin 7 (2024): 158-166.. Added: February 1, 2025 [Info] Albert, Corinna. »Vergewaltigte Körper in María de Zayas’ Desengaños amorosos (1647).« HeLix 17 (2024): 65-89. [Info] Dembruk, Sofina. »„[Q]uant je ne pourrois avoir de vous que les os“: Verfügungsmomente über den weiblichen Körper in Marguerite de Navarres Heptaméron (1559).« HeLix 17 (2024): 13-38. [Info] Dicks, Tamia. »From Victim to Victor: A Woman’s Journey of Trauma and Agency in Francois Smith’s The Camp Whore.« Imbizo (November 6, 2024). [Info] Dzierżyc-Horniak, Anna. »Jane Jin Kaisen’s Works as the Practice of Exploring History, Memory and Trauma.« Art Inquiry 26 (2024): 259-285. [Info] Hermawan, Erwin. »Research Trends On Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse: A 20 Years Bibliometric Analysis.« International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 5 (2024): 1066-1071. [Info] Jabir, Saman, et al. »A Critical Discourse Analysis of Reactionary Twitter Posts on the Motorway Rape Incident (September 09, 2020) in Pakistan.« Journal of Regional Studies Review 3 (2024): 72-86. [Info] Mary, Elena. »Strangled Women: Popular Culture, ‘Conservative Modernity’ and Erotic Violence in Britain, c.1890–1950.« Cultural and Social History (Novemer 5, 2024). [Info] Monballyu, Jos. »De vervolging van verkrachtingen en aanrandingen van de eerbaarheid voor het Hof van Assisen van het Leiedepartement/de provincie West-Vlaanderen, 1811-1867« Pro Memorie 26 (2024): 229-261. [Info] Moon, Jihie. »Silenced Voices to Multidirectional Memory: Colonial history of the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) and the Politics of Memory - Focusing on the Indonesian War of Independence (1945-1949), Indonesian ‘comfort women’ and the ‘Njai’ of the KNIL.« 동남아연구 34 (2024): 79-120. [Info] Murawska-Muthesius, Katarzyna. »Imaging Kyivan Rus’ then and now, or how to look at Antin Losenko’s Vladmir and Rogneda.« No. 3 (2024). [Info] Nattermann, India W. »Unveiling Gestures in Colluthus’s 'Abduction of Helen': 'Aidos', Female Sexuality, and Rape.« Journal of Cognitive Historiography 9 (2024): 51-69. [Info] Perdigão, Hêmille. »Para cada silêncio traumático, a poesia de uma canção: As Performances da canção Moon River nos filmes de Almodóvar e Blake Edwards.« Muiraquitã 12 (2024): 213-237. [Info] Sharma, Nancy. »The Female Body as a Site of Revenge: Understanding the Predicament of Deshpande’s “A Liberated Woman” at the Intersection of Class and Gender.« SARE 61 (2024): 103-121. [Info] Shearn , Samuel. »Troststrategien bei Seneca und Augustin: Anregungen für die Systematische Theologie.« Hermeneutische Blätter 30 (2024): 50-76. [Info] Sola Gratia, Ketia »Emerging the Submerged Realities of Mass Rape in the News of May 1998 Riot.« MediaTor 17 (2024): 270-285. [Info] Tovar Pulido, Raquel. »El delito de violación en la Codificación Penal española de los siglos XIX-XX: Una approximación a su análisis jurisprudencial.« GLOSSAE 21 (2024): 453-472. Added: January 1, 2025 [Info] Asirvatham, Sulochana. »Alexander the Lynkestian and the Thracians at Thebes: A Note on the Tale of Timokleia.« Karanos Supplement I (2024): 185-193. [Info] Bärtschi, Arnold. »Auf den Spuren von Homer und Ammôn Kasacz: Die geopoetische Meeresdarstellung in der Odyssee und der Graphic Novel Les Voyages d’Ulysse.« Closure 10 (2024): 68-89. [Info] Behrens, Anna. »Brothers and Sisters Unite: Take Back the Night in San Francisco, Cambridge, and Iowa City.« The Iowa Historical Review 11 (2024): 1-43. [Info] Bloom, Mia, et al. »When Sexually Assaulted Women Are Not Believed: “Ideal Victims” and Political Relativity in the October 7 Hamas Attack.« Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (May 20, 2024). [Info] Capp, Bernard. »Children, juveniles, and crime in early modern London: Old Bailey trials, 1674–1750.« Continuity and Change (May 14, 2024). [Info] Casteen, Elizabeth. »“Just War” and “Conspicuous Sins”: Sex, Slavery, and Community in the Late Medieval Midi.« French Historical Studies 47 (2024): 531-548. 5. Websites No recent additions. 1. Collected Volumes Added: March 1, 2025 [Info] Bonsall, Jane, et al, eds. Reconsidering Consent and Coercion: Power, Vulnerability, and Sexual Violence in Medieval Literature. Turnhout 2025. Added: February 1, 2025 [Info] Garrigues, Véronique, ed. »Sur tous les fronts: Femmes en guerre du Moyen Âge au XXIe siècle. Levallois-Perret 2024. [Info] Kitch, Sally L., et al., eds.Art, Activism, and Sexual Violence. Seattle 2024. 2. Encyclopedias No recent additions. 3. Monographs Added: March 1, 2025 [Info] O’Neill, Kevin L. Unforgivable: An Abusive Priest and the Church That Sent Him Abroad. Oakland 2025. Added: February 1, 2025 [Info] Peakman, Julie. Libertine London: Sex in the Eighteenth-Century Metropolis. London 2024. [Info] Ramseyer, J. Mark, et al. The Comfort Women Hoax: A Fake Memoir, North Korean Spies, and Hit Squads in the Academic Swamp. New York 2024. 1. Essays No recent additions. 2. Preprints No recent additions. 3. Reports Added: January 1, 2025 [Info] Ben-Or, Nava. Screams before Silence: The Application of Joint Responsibility in the Context of the Atrocities Committed on October 7 in the South of Israel. Ramat Gan 2024. 4. Reviews Added: March 1, 2025 [Info] Cage, E. Claire. The Science of Proof: Forensic Medicine in Modern France. Cambridge 2022. (Reviewed by Aaron Freundschuh) [Info] Cage, E. Claire. The Science of Proof: Forensic Medicine in Modern France. Cambridge 2022. (Reviewed by Heather Wolfram) Added: February 1, 2025 [Info] Peakman, Julie. Libertine London: Sex in the Eighteenth-Century Metropolis. London 2024. (Reviewed by Elizabeth Schlappa) [Info] Peakman, Julie. Libertine London: Sex in the Eighteenth-Century Metropolis. London 2024. (Reviewed by Marie Mulvey-Roberts) [Info] Piercy, Hannah. Resistance to Love in Medieval English Romance: Negotiating Consent, Gender, and Desire. Cambridge 2023. (Reviewed by Logan Spencer) [Info] Ramseyer, J. Mark, et al. The Comfort Women Hoax: A Fake Memoir, North Korean Spies, and Hit Squads in the Academic Swamp. New York 2024. (Reviewed by Sheng-mei Ma) 4. Working Papers No recent additions. 1. Bachelor, Honors, Senior, Undergraduate Theses No recent additions. 2. Master Theses Added: February 1, 2025 [Info] Luna Garcés, Lucía. Women’s Resilience to Sexual Abuse in Ruined by Lynn Nottage. Trabajo Fin de Grado, Universidad de Zaragoza 2024. 3. Ph.D. Theses No recent additions. |